Die neuen Alchemisten: „Der Clivus wurde vor 60 Jahren erfunden, funktioniert nicht gut und ist veraltet. Menschen, die damit gearbeitet haben, haben viel bessere entwickelt. Die derzeit beste Öko-Toilette ist hygienischer und in jeder Hinsicht besser als eine Spültoilette. Es wird zur Unterstützung der lokalen Lebensmittelproduktion verwendet und ist überhaupt nicht von fossilen Brennstoffen abhängig. Wir haben dieses entwickelt und verwenden es in unserem Haus. Unser nächstes YouTube wird auf dieser Öko-Toilette sein.“
More infos: https://newalchemists.net/2015/01/27/nutrient-recycling/
Youtube Webinar die Anstiftung zum Thema Komposttoilette bei Youtube:
Anleitung als PDF: https://anstiftung.de/images/jdownloads/sonstige/selbstbau_komposttiolette.pdf
Gestern bei NeuLand: Vortragsabend zu Komposttoilette
Universität Bonn
INRES – Institut für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften und Ressourcenschutz
Bereich Pflanzenernährung
Karlrobert-Kreiten-Strasse 13
D-53115 Bonn
2009: Ph.D., Faculty of Agriculture, Bonn University
1993: Diploma in Geoecology, Bayreuth University
1986: Approval as Medical Technical Laboratory Assistant
Email: uarnolduni-bonn.de
Tel: (+49) 228 73-3639
Fax: (+49) 228 73-2489
Wir haben uns über das rege Interesse und die lebhafte Diskussion gefreut. Nochmals vielen Dank an Dr. Arnold für die fundierten Informationen, an unsere Gastgeberin des Abends für die freundliche Moderation, und an alle anderen, die dort waren!
Buchempfehlung zum Thema: ‚Komposttoilett
C. Lorenz-Ladener,
IPoop in a Bucket – and we Safe the World 😀
… there is nothing like reinventing the way we shit.
Mark Boyle: „no way we can not shit into drinkable water“
this is the design of the „New Alchimists“ which are experts in recycling waste-water.
Source: Ancient Eco-Toilets – Chinese Night-Soil Containers.pdf
Nightsoil in paddy fields, 1600s: A Qing Dynasty woodblock print of nightsoil topdress fertilizer in paddy rice.
Source: http://www.agroecology.org/Case%20Studies/nightsoil.html
Here’s the thing about poop: everybody does it, which means that there’s a lot of it lying around waiting to be dealt with. Before the Clean Water Act of 1972 (and the outlawing of open-ocean dumping in 1988), raw sewage simply ran untreated into our oceans, streams and rivers. Once we figured out that this was a grievous insult to public health and the environment, we decided to start pumping our waste into treatment facilities—which cleaned up our water, but left us with the question of what to do with the nearly 8 million tons of poop we produce each year.
In a 2002 National Academy of Sciences study looking at the regulation of biosolids and land application (known as Federal Part 503), the Academy concluded, “There is no documented scientific evidence that the Part 503 rule has failed to protect human health.”
“They find it fascinating that we can take human waste and find a new use for it.”
Source: http://modernfarmer.com/2014/07/stink-human-poop-fertilizer/
Links on that Topic
An unpleasant part of his career followed when King left Wisconsin to become chief of the Division of Soil Management in the USDA Bureau of Soils in Washington, DC (January 1902). His findings in the next 2 yr began to undermine beliefs held strongly by Milton Whitney, chief of the bureau, about the relations of soil chemistry to plant growth. At the insistence of Whitney, King resigned and returned to Madison, where he devoted the last 7 yr of his life to summarizing earlier findings and conducting further research in agricultural physics, e.g., the ventilation of farm buildings. Three of his seven books were written during that period, the best known of which is Farmers of Forty Centuries – F. H. King.pdf.
I have no idea about it’s quality: http://humanurehandbook.com/store/THE-HUMANURE-HANDBOOK.html
source: https://newalchemists.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/hybrid-eco-toilet-report.pdf
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